Friday, June 11, 2010

Remodels - Part 3 - Periodic Review

Now that you have picked a good quality contractor and you've pinned down your selections, you have a budget and a start date, what part do you play now? Some would believe that you sit back and wait for it all to happen. Sometimes that is the case. I have found that most people cannot visualize what they saw on paper and it can come as a bit of surprise to them when they see it in their home. This is why you can't just sit back and relax.

Yes, I have had clients that have left for extended periods of time during projects, but it required very, very careful planning and even some mock up 3-D models to make sure it happened exactly how they envisioned it would. But it still took some phone calls and emails to England or Hawaii (or where ever the client ends up) to make it happen. Walk around your project, think about how doors will swing open. Where are the light switches? Does it feel like it will be able to be used in the way you envisioned you would use the space? Will there be enough light? Too much light? Where will I store my...?

Now, since you picked the best general contractor you could find, these were questions he asked you BEFORE you started the project, but you should still confirm it periodically throughout the process. This is an important practice. Sometimes what you thought something would be, just simply ends up not being what you expected.

This all leads to the goal of enjoying the building process and the finished project instead of lamenting decisions.